Dominika Wojcieszek

Project manager

A graduate of Gdansk University and San Francisco State University. Dominika is an oceanographer with a strong interest in marine geology and paleoclimatology. She has done research on past climate changes, reconstructing sea surface temperatures with the use of microfossils. During her time in academia she was involved in voluntary work with children and younger students, including inviting elementary school students into her lab during an Expanding Your Horizons workshop. She has also volunteered as an educator at SCUBAnauts International, a scuba club for school students. 

She is currently the Head of Education at the Gdynia Aquarium, a department of the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Poland. Her duties have involved teaching and developing classes and events. She was also responsible for the e-guide content maintenance, and graphic design for tank labelling and animal descriptions. She has prepared illustrations for a short children’s book “Underwater journey” and  also co-authored two papers on marine education methods. She is part of  the Baltic Museums: Love IT! Project aimed at developing a gamification smartphone app for the Aquarium. The Aquarium is to a founding member of the EU4Ocean Platform.  

Dominika’s adventure with EMSEA started when she attended the 2016 annual conference and co-led a workshop titled: “What the VAK with Marine Science?:  A workshop to  put  you  in  student’s shoes”. She also presented this workshop at National Marine Educators Association (EMSEA’s sister organisation in the USA) the following year. At the 2019 EMSEA conference she presented a poster “The challenges of communicating research findings to the general public: money, conflict, politics.”