EU4Ocean and Scientix Webinar and Workshop: Unlocking Ocean Literacy and European Blue Schools

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the realm of ocean literacy?

On November 28, 2023, we invite you to join us for an online webinar and workshop, hosted by the EU4Ocean coalition and in collaboration with Scientix. This event will be a unique opportunity to explore the fascinating world of ocean literacy and the European Blue Schools initiative.

In today’s climate-conscious era, schools are uniquely positioned to advocate for ocean literacy and sustainable practices. If you are a teacher, educator, or school administrator eager to make a meaningful impact, this online event is for you.

Webinar (17:00 - 17:30 CET)

During the 30-minute webinar, we will introduce you to the concepts of ocean literacy and how it can be integrated into education through the European Blue Schools initiative. We will dive into the importance of understanding our oceans, not only as an invaluable source of biodiversity and critical element in addressing global environmental challenges, but also as a powerful tool in education. We will learn how European Blue Schools are taking the lead in promoting ocean awareness within educational institutions, inspiring students to become ocean stewards. Our experts will guide you through useful tools and resources for better ocean education.

Workshop (17:30 – 18:30 CET)

Following the webinar, we invite a limited number of participants to an hour-long, hands-on workshop, split in three tracks. This workshop will provide a more interactive platform to delve deeper into the world of ocean literacy and the European Blue Schools initiative. You will gain first-hand experience in designing a blue project, while engaging with experts and collaborating with like-minded teachers and educators. Together, we will discover the practical steps needed to transform your school into a European Blue School.

Register now to secure your spot and take the first step towards a more sustainable, ocean-literate future for your school.

* Workshop registrations are limited, and spots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

** Attendees of both the workshop and webinar will be awarded a certificate of participation.


Webunar title, date time and logos