Meet our Advisory Group: Giulia Realdon

A biologist and a retired high school teacher, Giulia Realdon works in education research at the University of Camerino (UNICAMearth workgroup) and within international groups: EMSEA (European Marine Science Educators Association) - Regional Group for the Mediterranean Sea, and COST Action EuroScitizen project on public understanding of evolution. Giulia's research interests include geoscience education, ocean literacy and the teaching of evolution. 

Giulia runs teachers’ professional development activities as EGU (European Geoscience Union) Education Field Officer for Italy, for EMSEA and for the University of Camerino. In addition, she is a Scientix Ambassador, Committee Member for Italy of COST Action EuroScitizen Project, a member of the Italian National Steering Committee of Science on Stage Europe and a member of the EMSEA Advisory Board.